Formatting shortcuts for frequently used chart formatting tasks, such as adjusting size, position, and more. Just select a chart and use the shortcut to apply the format / property.

You can customize the properties in Settings > Chart Formats.

Tip: Avoid adding too many formatting properties. Focus on what you use the most. From our experience, size and position are the most commonly adjusted chart properties.

Copy-paste colors between chart elements.

How to use: Select a chart element, like a bar or line, and activate the tool. Then, choose another element and, in the tool's window, decide how to apply the selected colors—whether as an outline, fill, or font color.

Explore and modify a chart's range references.

Similar to our Explore Formula feature, you can drill down into a chart’s series to see which ranges it’s linked to and adjust those references as needed.

Use Accelerate Excel's Navigate & Modify Chart References tool to quickly explore chart series and view their linked data ranges.

Adjust the range reference for the selected chart series by adding or removing a row or column.

Tip: Use 'Group by Parameter' instead of 'Series' for clearer range adjustments.

Note: If multiple series reference the same axis label, extend the axis label range for only one series, as Excel will automatically update it for all series.

Easily add or remove multiple series at once with a streamlined input process. To add new series, follow these steps:

  1. Select an existing series in the tool. The tool will add new series based on the selected series type.

  2. First input: Choose the cells containing the series names. Hold the CTRL key to select multiple cells. One cell per series name.

  3. Second input: Choose the range with the series values. Use the CTRL key to select multiple ranges. One range per series.

  4. Third input: Choose the range with the axis labels. Again, use the CTRL key to select multiple ranges. One range per series.

Easily add or remove multiple series at once with a streamlined input process. To add new series, follow these steps:

  1. Select the parameter to be modified (series name, values, or labels). Only one parameter can be modified at a time but you can modify the references for multiple series.

  2. Input box: Select the ranges. Use CTRL to select multiple ranges. One range per series.

Replace sheet references with the current sheet while preserving existing cell references.

  1. Select the series you want to link to another sheet.

  2. Navigate to the sheet you want the series to be linked to.

  3. Click 'Relink to Current Sheet'.

Create a bridge/waterfall chart from a simple selection.

Tip: Directly create the chart from a financial schedule, such as a profit and loss statement, without needing an intermediary template.