Use the tool to copy the exact formula from a cell or range without altering any references. You can then paste the formula using CTRL+V.

Convert formula references to absolute so they remain unchanged when copied to other cells.

Convert formula references to relative so they adjust automatically when copied to other cells.

Add IFERROR functions to the formulas in the selected cells for consistent error handling. Note: You can customize the error output via Settings.

Remove the IFERROR functions from the formulas in the selected cells.

Multiply selected formulas or values by a value.

Divide selected formulas or values by a value.

Insert percentage formulas by dividing a selected range of cells by a specified row. Tip: Use this tool not only for % of total calculations but also to effortlessly add 'percentage of revenue' KPIs.

Quickly insert formulas to subtract one range of cells from another.

Add a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) formula.

Swap contents between two cells or ranges without the need for temporary storage.

Insert text at the beginning or end of existing cell contents (formulas or values).

Tip: Perfect for adding an apostrophe (‘) to enforce text formatting or for inserting a cell reference (e.g. including an FX rate) across multiple cells at once.

Generate monthly period name labels like 'Jan-24', 'Jan24', or '31/01/2024'.

Each selected cell will be filled with the next consecutive period label. You can choose between text or date formatting. Tip: For consultants, we usually recommend text formatting to ensure consistent date display across different regional settings and user preferences.

Add a hyperlink to a cell that directs to the first cell reference in its formula.

Many Excel users have the option to jump to the first cell reference by double-clicking a cell disabled. To bypass this, you can use this utility to create a hyperlink that takes you directly to the location you would normally reach by double-clicking the cell.

Replace the first cell reference in a formula with its underlying formula or value.

You can use this tool to simplify formulas in certain circumstances.

Send a formula or value to a formula’s first referenced cell.

This tool lets you apply changes across multiple cells without the hassle of manually navigating to each one. For example, you can update titles on multiple sheets or modify cells with specific filter conditions in one go. Tip: Pair this with Sheet Links to easily manage cell locations and export cell links.

Fill empty or blank cells in the selection with zeros.

Fill empty cells with contents from preceding non-empty cells from different directions.

Identify duplicate values in selected cells without relying on conditional formatting. Tip: Conditional formatting can be resource-intensive and may slow down your workbook, so it's best to use it sparingly.

Find differences between ranges: items unique to each range are highlighted.

Insert multiple rows based on the following scenarios:

  • Single range selection: Count the number of rows in the selection and insert that many rows after a specified cell.

  • Multiple range selection: Insert a specified number of rows after each selection.

Insert multiple columns based on the following scenarios:

  • Single range selection: Count the number of columns in the selection and insert that many columns after a specified cell.

  • Multiple range selection: Insert a specified number of columns after each selection.

Automatically add row groups/outline based on existing cell indents.

Automatically add cell indents based on existing row groups/outline.

Automatically add row groups/outlines and cell indents based on the hierarchy implied by existing SUM or SUBTOTAL functions.

For fine-tuning, use 'Formats' > 'Add Hierarchy Level' or 'Remove Hierarchy Level'.

Add a collapsible visual separator between the subtotal and detail rows across the selection.

Note: The bottom border is applied to the row right before a change in the row group level, but only for collapsible groups (outline levels > 1).

Remove 'Subtotal Line' formats from collapsible rows.

Note: All borders are removed from collapsible row groups (outline levels > 1).

Use this to create a label that spans multiple columns without merging cells, as merging cells should be avoided when possible.

Remove unwanted spaces from the beginning and end of the text in each selected cell.

Convert text in each selected cell to upper case.

Convert text in each selected cell to lower case.

Convert the first letter of the first word in each selected cell to upper case.

Convert the first letter of every word in each selected cell to upper case.

The Formats menu offers quick and intuitive access to commonly used formatting options, allowing you to apply them efficiently without extra steps or overriding Excel’s native keyboard shortcuts.

For example, you can apply the 'Total Row' format to your selection using:

  • Accelerate Ribbon: Alt > G > 3 > T
  • Quick Access Toolbar: Alt > 1 > T

These fully customizable formatting options are inspired by the most commonly used styles in transaction advisory. Plus, you have five additional formatting shortcuts, labeled as ‘Custom Formats,’ which you can rename as you like.

In the toolbar’s Settings, you can completely customize all formats (except for ‘Check’) using the following options:

  • Number Format

  • Alignment: Horizontal, Vertical, Indentation

  • Font: Name, Size, Italic, Bold, Underline, Color, Effects

  • Borders (Top, Bottom, Left, Right): Color, Style

  • Fill: Color, Pattern Color, Style

  • Row Group/Outline Level

  • Column Group/Outline Level

  • Row Height/Column Width

  • Increase/Decrease Row/Column Group Level and/or Indentation