Descriptive Text

Summary of all Tools

Quick Tools

Toolbox 1▾
Copy Exact Formula Copy and paste exact formula in different directions without changing cell references.
Fix Formula References Change all references to absolute.
Unfix Formula References Change all references to relative.
Add 'IfError' to Formula Wrap selected cell formula in IFERROR function. You can customize the error output.
Remove 'IfError' from Formula Remove IFERROR function.
Multiply by Multiply by a selected value.
Divide by Divide by a selected value.
Add Percentage of Total Divide a range of cells by a row of cells.
Add Difference Subtract a range of cells by another range of cells.
Add CAGR Add a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) formula.
Swap Formulas Between Two Ranges Swap cell contents between two ranges.
Add Text to Formula or Value Add text at the beginning and/or end of cell content.
Add Period Name Labels Insert monthly period names (Jan24, Feb24, etc.).
Add HyperLink from Cell Reference Insert a hyperlink, linking to the selected cell's first cell reference.
Bring Formula Forward Convert cell reference to the underlying formula.
Send Formula Backward Shift the contents from the cell next to the selected cell into the cell referenced in the selected cell's formula.
Fill Empty Cells with Zero Fill empty cells with zeros.
AutoFill Cells Populate empty cells by preceding non-empty cells.
Toolbox 2▾
Highlight Duplicates Highlight duplicates in a range without conditional formatting.
Highlight Differences Highlight items that exist in one range but not the other.
Insert Rows Insert a number of rows after each selected cell.
Insert Columns Insert a number of columns after each selected cell.
Apply Indent from Row Groups Apply indent using existing row groups.
Apply Row Groups from Indent Apply row groups using existing indents.
Apply Row Groups & Indent Apply row groups and indent using existing SUM/SUBTOTAL functions.
Add 'Subtotal Lines' to Row Groups Intelligently add subtotal lines (border format) that can be collapsed across an entire breakdown.
Remove 'Subtotal Lines' from Row Groups Remove subtotal line formatting.
Center Across Selection Center text horizontally without merging cells.
Trim Text Remove leading and trailing spaces.
Convert Text to Upper Case Change letters to upper case.
Convert Text to Lower Case Change letters to lower case.
Convert Text to Upper Case First Letter Change letters to lower case, except the first.
Convert Text to Upper Case Each Word Capitalize each word.
Formats▾ You can customize all formats, including adding or removing elements like fills and borders. The description below refers to the default settings.
Number Apply number formatting to selected cells.
Percent Apply percentage formatting to selected cells.
Total Row Apply total row formatting to the selected row, typically for summary totals.
Subtotal Row Apply subtotal row formatting to selected rows, ideal for intermediate totals.
Subtotal Line Add a subtotal line between groups of data.
Table Title Apply specific formatting to a table's title.
Table Header Row Apply specific formatting to a table's header row.
KPI Header Row Apply specific formatting for KPI (Key Performance Indicator) header rows.
Check Apply a check format to selected cells.
Custom 1 Apply the first custom format to selected cells.
Custom 2 Apply the second custom format to selected cells.
Custom 3 Apply the third custom format to selected cells.
Custom 4 Apply the fourth custom format to selected cells.
Custom 5 Apply the fifth custom format to selected cells.
Highlight Highlight selected cells with a specific background color.
Fill Apply a fill color to the selected cells.
Yellow Fill selected cells with yellow color.
Green Fill selected cells with green color.
Add Hierarchy Level Increase row group and indent.
Remove Hierarchy Level Decrease row group and indent.

Navigation & Relationships

Sheets Vertically navigate and rearrange sheets using drag-and-drop.
Add Text Add text at beginning and/or end of existing sheet names.
Find and Replace Find and replace text in existing sheet names.
From Selection Rename sheets based on text from cells.
Extract Worksheets Extract sheets while keeping internal formulas intact.
Remove Worksheets Delete sheets without breaking formulas referencing them.
Convert to Values Convert formulas to values more resource-efficiently.
Create Links Create a linked list of sheets names.
Save as Separate File Save sheets as separate Excel files.
Objects Show and navigate all charts, PivotTables, shapes, ranges with errors, ranges with conditional formats, and more, in the workbook.
Formula Explore a cell formula's components and navigate to precedent ranges.
Go Back Jump back to the cell that was active when a navigation tool was started.
Last Tool Repeat the last used tool.
Trace▾ Assess relationships and dependencies.
Trace Range Precedents List precedent ranges of the selected cells.
Trace Range Dependents List ranges dependent on the selected cells.
Trace Sheet Precedents List all sheets a selected sheet is dependent on.
Trace Sheet Dependents List all sheets dependent on a selected sheet.

Selections, Copy & Paste

Selection Memory Temporarily bookmark, navigate and export selections.
Add/Remove Add current selection as a bookmark / remove bookmark.
Export Options Export bookmarks as links, cell references (text) or SUM formulas.
Super Select Select cells based on whether they meet or do not meet certain conditions.
Text Select cells with certain text. Search in values and/or formulas.
Every nth Row or Column Select every nth row or column based on criteria.
Row Height / Column Width Select cells based on row height or column width.
Groups / Outline Select cells within certain groups / outline levels.
Cell/Font Colors, Indent Select cells based on cell or font color, or indentation level.
Modify Select Adjust the current selection by moving, resizing, aligning patterns, etc.
Move Move selected range(s).
Resize Resize selected range(s).
Align Pattern Align multi-range selections based on first subrange.
Transpose Switch rows and columns.
Visible Cells Select only visible cells.
Non-Blanks Select only non-blank cells.
Blanks Select only blank cells.
Copy & Paste Streamline complex copy-pasting tasks, like copying non-contiguous ranges and other actions that aren’t possible in standard Excel.
Values Paste as values.
Formulas Paste as formulas.
Constant formulas Paste as formulas (as if they were fixed).
Duplicate Paste as duplicate (same as copying a sheet and cutting the range).
Links Paste as cell link.
Cut Cut-paste.
Format Paste formats.
Row groups/outline Paste with row groups/outline.
Column groups/outline Paste with column groups/outline.

Key Functions

Add 'Subtotal' Add SUBTOTAL formula per shortcut (comparable to Excel's Autosum).
Add 'Sum' Add SUM formula per shortcut. Useful if sum range and output cell are in different locations.
C&P Σ Copy-paste only SUM/SUBTOTAL formulas.
Add 'Sumifs' Add a SUMIFS formula using convenient parameter inputs.
Add 'IndexMatch' Add an INDEX MATCH formula using convenient parameter inputs.
Convert 'Sumifs' to Direct Cell Reference Convert SUMIFS formulas to direct cell links / SUM of direct cell links.
Convert 'IndexMatch' to Direct Cell Reference Convert INDEX MATCH formulas to direct links.
Create 'Indirect' Sheet Reference Convert a sheet reference to an indirect sheet reference, using the INDIRECT function.
Remove 'Indirect' References Convert indirect references to normal references.
Convert 'Subtotal' to 'Sum' Convert SUBTOTAL formulas to SUM formulas.
Convert 'Sum' to 'Subtotal' Convert SUM formulas to SUBTOTAL formulas.


Sheet Links Pane to easily navigate through the same range across multiple sheets.
Add/Remove Add, update or remove range references
Export Options Export range references as links, cell addresses (text) or SUM formulas.
Sort Rows Sort rows in single and multi-range selections (including options to sort by absolute values).
Sort Columns Sort columns in single and multi-range selections (including options to sort by absolute values).
Group Data Group similar data such as mapping information by inserting subtotal rows/columns, including SUM/SUBTOTAL formulas.
Compare Find, navigate, and insert items that exist in one list but not the other and vice versa.
Summarize Create a summary sheet with links to cells containing a specified value.
Symbols▾ Customizable set of symbols for quick insertion.
New Sheet Insert a new sheet with customizable properties.
Clean Workbook Settings Expand/collapse groups/outlines, select cell A1 and adjust zoom level.
Remove Defined Names Options to unhide and remove named ranges.


Convert Pivot Automatically convert a PivotTable into a report-ready formatted standard cells, preserving hierarchies and including SUM/SUBTOTAL functions. Ideal for flexible presentation requirements.
Pivot Design Apply common PivotDesign properties to the selected PivotTable.
Other Tools▾
Remove Data Model Extract sheets without 'Data Model' (relates to PowerPivot/PowerQuery), converting CUBE functions to values.
Convert Cube Formulas to Values Convert all CUBE functions in the selection to values (relates to PowerPivot/PowerQuery).


Chart Formats▾
Custom Chart Formats Customizable set of basic chart formats/properties.
Copy Colors Copy-paste colors between chart elements.
Chart References Navigate and modify a chart's series references.
Extend Ranges Bulk extend range references.
Reduce Ranges Bulk reduce range references.
Add Series Add multiple new series at once.
Remove Series Remove series.
Change Range References Bulk change range references.
Relink to Current Sheet Relink range references to the currently selected sheet.
Bridge / Waterfall Chart Quickly insert a waterfall chart linking to existing data, without populating an intermediary template.


User Profiles Setup several user profiles. All customizations are linked to a user profile.
Formats Customize format options.
Functional Settings Set IFERROR output and customize symbols.
New Sheet Customize 'New Sheet' formats.
Chart Formats Customize chart format options.
Guidance Links to website, contact form and practice files. Button to check for updates.
License Enter and activate license keys and retrieve license information.