Efficiently manage large workbooks with a vertical pane for navigating and rearranging sheets via drag-and-drop.

Additional features include multi-sheet renaming, extracting, and removing.

Rename multiple sheets at once:

  • Add Text: Add a text at the beginning or end of selected sheet names.

  • Find and Replace: Update sheet names by searching for specific text and replacing it with new text.

  • From Selection: Import a list of sheet names from an Excel range, giving you full control over the renaming process.

Streamline workbook management with:

  • Extract Worksheets: Create standalone copies of selected sheets, ideal for sharing specific data without links to the original workbook.

  • Remove Worksheets: Delete sheets and convert any formulas referencing those sheets to values, ensuring formula integrity.

  • Convert to Values: Convert all formulas, PivotTables, and Excel tables in the selected sheets to values, preserving data without formulas.

  • Save as Separate File: Save each selected sheet as an individual file.

  • Create Links: Generate a list of links to each selected sheet, making it easy to create a table of contents.

The Objects pane offers a clear overview and quick access to different elements in your workbook, including:

  • Charts and other shapes

  • PivotTables and Tables

  • Hyperlinks (with broken links highlighted)

  • Filtered ranges

  • Special cells (errors, conditional formatting, data validation)

Tip: Use this pane to spot errors before sharing your workbook, clean up unnecessary conditional formatting to boost performance, and get a quick snapshot of your content.

Explore a formula’s components and values, and easily navigate to referenced locations.

Tip: Drill down into the formulas of referenced cells to quickly understand the logical flow. Note that if you drill down into a multi-cell address, the first cell is explored.

Return to the last active cell before the navigation tool was used.

Note: You can cycle through the last 10 active cells.

Repeat the last used tool or refocus / reopen utilities that involve task panes.

Toolset to analyze the dependency structure of ranges and sheets.

Find and navigate ranges referenced in the current selection.

Find and navigate ranges that reference the current selection.

Find and navigate sheets that are referenced in the current sheet.

Note: The tool screens ranges, charts and hyperlinks.

Find and navigate sheets that reference the current sheet.

Note: The tool screens ranges, charts and hyperlinks.