Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy was updated April 2024.


Effective Date: 2024-03-12


Accelerate Office GmbH ("Accelerate" or "We") is a company based in Thurgau, Switzerland, specializing in offering an innovative add-in solution for Microsoft Excel, tailored to enhance productivity and efficiency for professionals and organizations. Our solution is designed to transform Excel into a more powerful and intuitive tool for every user. Accelerate provides a suite of features that include but are not limited to advanced data analysis tools, customized Excel functionalities, and seamless integration capabilities. Furthermore, our Excel add-in is crafted to support users by simplifying complex data analysis tasks; offering customizable options to meet specific workflow needs; enabling easy integration with other data sources and software; and providing templates and tools for enhanced productivity and data management.

This Privacy Policy explains how Accelerate Office GmbH ("We") collects and uses personal data from users ("You") of our website and software. It applies worldwide to ensure that we meet our obligations in handling personal data, whether as a Processor or Controller, as described in this document. Our dedication to your privacy and compliance with data protection laws is unwavering, no matter where you are located. As a Swiss-based company, we primarily follow the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (DSG). Furthermore, as we expand into Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union also influences our data processing procedures. We ensure that we meet the GDPR standards for all parties within the EU and outside the EU who interact with or monitor EU residents

Please read this policy carefully to comprehend our policies and guidlines regarding your personal information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and guidlines, do not use our website. By accessing or using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data and Data Subjects

Under the definition provided by Article 4(1) of the GDPR, "Personal Data" encompasses any piece of information that can be used to identify a living individual, known as the "Data Subject." To elaborate, a person becomes identifiable when they can be recognized, either directly or indirectly, by linking them to identifiers such as names, ID numbers, location details, online identifiers, or through characteristics specific to their physical, mental, genetic, economic, cultural, or social identity.

Information Collection

Whenever you interact with Accelerate, you might be requested to share your personal information. This can occur during the use of our software and website, through which we gather various types of personal data from our users, as outlined below.

Should you submit personal information belonging to another individual to Accelerate, it is your responsibility to ensure that all applicable legal requirements are met. This responsibility includes obtaining the necessary consent from the person whose data you're sharing, thereby authorizing Accelerate to process, use, disclose, and retain their information in compliance with data protection laws. Accelerate is dedicated to managing personal data in alignment with all relevant data protection regulations. When personal information is submitted to our platform by you or any designated users, you will be acting as the data controller, and Accelerate will serve as the data processor of that personal data.

General Information:

To purchase a license the following information must be provided.

-          Name and Surname
- Email
- Company Name
- Job Title or similar

The license manager will require an account login to manage the license. We use an external third-party provider for the license mechanism. For details on how LicenseSpring processes data, please refer to their Privacy Policy:


When you reach out to us using the contact form or support email for general inquiries, we may utilize this information both to address your specific request and to enhance support for other users. We implement appropriate safeguards to secure your Personal Information from unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or destruction.

Browser data:

By visiting Accelerate certain information about you and your device can be collected. This includes your IP address, browser type, operating system, referring URLs, device information, pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics. This data is collected through Squarespace, our website platform provider, to ensure a seamless and optimized user experience.

Billing Information:

For customers interested in purchasing a License from Accelerate providing credit card information and a billing address is necessary to complete the transaction. Please note that Accelerate does not collect or store any credit card information directly. Instead, this process is fully managed and secured by our trusted payment service provider, Stripe. Stripe is responsible for processing your payment information securely on our behalf. They are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. For more details on how Stripe handles and protects your information, please refer to their Privacy Policy at Stripe's Privacy Policy:

Data Sharing and Disclosure

At Accelerate, we prioritize your privacy and the security of your data. We do not actively share or distribute any personal information or data collected from our users outside of our organization. The information we gather is exclusively used for internal purposes, such as improving our services, analyzing how our website is used, and enhancing the user experience.

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Access to this information is strictly limited to authorized personnel within Accelerate who are bound by our privacy policies to ensure your data is protected and handled responsibly. Unless compelled by legal obligation, we will not disclose any personal information to third parties without your explicit consent.

Cookies and Other

Accelerate's websites, services, and communications may employ "cookies" and similar technologies like pixel tags and web beacons. These tools help us understand user interactions, identify visited areas of our sites, and gauge the impact of our advertising. Generally, information gathered through these technologies is seen as non-personal. However, if local laws classify IP addresses or similar identifiers as personal data, we treat them accordingly. Additionally, when non-personal and personal data are merged, or used to create an individual profile, we consider the aggregated data as personal for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Accelerate and our partners use these technologies to remember information about you, making your experience more personalized and convenient. This could include adapting our services based on information like your contact details and device specifications and enhancing both software personalization and customer support.

You can disable cookies through your browser settings, though be aware this might limit some features and services on Accelerate's site.

We also collect information automatically, stored in log files, including IP addresses, browser specifications, and browsing patterns. This data helps us to analyze trends, manage the site, understand user activities, enhance our offerings, and tailor our marketing strategies.

Changes to Private Policy

We are committed to continuously reviewing and updating our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices, advancements in technology, and evolving legal standards. Therefore, this policy may be updated from time to time. The most current version of our Privacy Policy will always be accessible through our dedicated link: We encourage you to visit this link periodically to stay informed about how we protect your information.

Additional Considerations

Accelerate is committed to protecting the privacy of young users. In line with this commitment, we do not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 13 per applicable laws. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personal information from a child under the specified age without the required consent from a parent or guardian, we will delete such information from our records promptly. Parents or guardians who believe that their child has submitted personal information to us and would like to have it removed may contact us at