Descriptive Text
  • Quick Tools

    Accelerate everyday formatting work and use more than 30 quick time-savers.


    • Customizable formatting tools

    • Copy exact formulas

    • Swap formulas/values between two ranges

    • Smart options for applying row groups/outlines and cell indents

  • Navigation

    Manage sheets, understand workbook contents, and navigate formulas.


    • Navigate through charts, PivotTables, shapes, and more

    • Explore formula logic and precedent ranges

    • Modify multiple sheet names at once

  • Selections, Copy & Paste

    Streamline repetitive and complex formatting or copy-paste tasks.


    • Bookmark selections

    • Smart find & select options

    • Efficiently adjust multi-range selections

    • Create exact duplicates

    • Copy-paste multi-range selections

  • Key Functions

    Time-saving utilities for key functions in professional services.


    • Copy-paste Sum/Subtotal without handling each row individually

    • Assisted creation of Subtotal, Sum, Sumifs, and Index-Match

    • Convert Sumifs or Index-Match formulas to direct cell links

  • Utilities

    Partial automations to simplify common repetitive tasks and more.


    • Flip through or create links to the same range across multiple sheets

    • Summarize cells with a certain value and create a link to each cell

    • Sort rows/columns (multi-range)

  • PivotTables

    Combine the quick and flexible setup of PivotTables with our conversion tool to generate detailed breakdowns in normal cells within seconds.

    Standard PivotTables can be converted into values, SUMIFS, or GETPIVOTDATA formulas, while PowerPivots can be transformed into cube formulas.

  • Charts

    Simplify chart formatting and efficiently adjust data sources.


    • Copy colors between elements

    • Drill down into a chart’s references

    • Bulk adjust series references

    • Add multiple new series

  • General

    Customize formats with an intuitive interface.

    Create multiple user profiles with customizations for different clients or projects.

    Import/Export user profiles for team or project consistency.